Our Zillow.com Crawler is developed to track for-sale properties in the United States with weekly or customized frequency.
Home buyers and research anlayst can draw a lot of insight from anallyzing the housing data.
The zillow crawler extracts the following attributes:
Name | Description | Sample Value |
Property ID | Unique property ID | 2076489237 |
Address | Property Address | L4 Bo, Haines, AK 99827 |
State | State code | AK |
City | City | Haines |
ZipCode | Postal code | 99827 |
Latitude | Latitude | 59.25178075 |
Longitude | Longitude | -135.529385 |
Price | Sale price | 32000.00 USD |
ZPrice | Zillow Estimated price | 32000.00 USD |
Listed Days | Property listed days | 10 |
Year Built | Property built year | 1995 |
Bathroom Number | Bathroom count | 5 |
Bedroom Number | Bedroom count | 6 |
Living Space | Living space in square feet | 2000 sq feet |
Land Space | Land space in acres or square feet | 0.63 acre |
Broker Name | Broker name | Haines Real Estate |
Is Zillow Owned | If property is owned by Zillow | False |
Property Url | Property url | |
Scan Date | Data scanned data | 2022.02.25:11.23.21 |
The chart below shows total number of for sale properties on the platform and how it changes over time.
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